Getting ready for my daughters bat mitzvah in a couple of weeks, and cleaning out the spaces for the onslaught of family. As I do so, I uncover my old vinyl and decide it would be very nice background music while I clean. How weird to stir up old memories, and how well I remember some of that stuff. A lot of the stuff would only be recognizable to people who lived in Houston in the eighties (Remember "The Judy's - Washarama" or the very obscure I'llBeOnTheFoneToYou?
But also played Japan, Snakefinger, and Eno. Resisted Nina Hagen and Laurie Anderson (will save for another day).
But all this nostalgia, and the fact that I'm coming up on 30 years since my high-school graduation has me pining for seeing some old friends. Joseph "Bucky" Buckholt just found his way onto facebook, and posted a hilarious picture of the two of us and his high-school sweetheart. Also be-facebooked Jim McManus.
The other folks I'd like to connect with are those kids who went to Pearl School in Houston in 1976. Hal Zochert (who I believe lives in Austin!), Dale Adams; and of course our leader, Diana Dillon. I was David Scott at the time (I'm trying to put as many searchable breadcrumbs as I can so that others who may be searching can find this signal -- kind of my own SETI project in reverse -- doesn't do any good to listen to the past if the past isn't talking, huh?)
Also need to reconnect to a bunch of folks who I've drifted away from over the years. Noel Patterson, Kenneth Tyssen, Paul Witzkoske, Vick Fisher, Ray Isle. And what ever happened to Scott Harmon or Louis Dobay? Most of all, Richard Dubose. Why is it so hard to locate these friends?
Enough of a break. Back to cleaning...
Hello Cleaning-Stirs-Nostalgia,
I can't tell what your name is (it "was David Scott?"), but I went to Pearl School in Houston when Diana Dillon was running it (actually, when she started it). Here are other names I remember... Susan and Jerry Coleman, Tom Richmond, Andy Milburn, Chris Milburn, Alison Doughtie, Leah McElrath, Chris Lona, Wes and Melody, Carrie, Stephanie, Dale (Adams? he was into Wacky Packs when I knew him), Donny, Bubba, Philip Moore. If this is the same Pearl School you're talking about, email me at [email protected] because it would be nice to hear what you remember.
Posted by: Kim | July 18, 2009 at 11:43 AM