[Note: I'm adding a category this morning. "Integra" refers to the subject area covered by Ken Wilber and Integral Institute, but isn't bounded by those domains. I have a philosophical bent which is scratched nicely by some of these meta-theorists. The following is a very nice collection of summaries from a wide number of such sources.]
In the shower this morning (where else), I started thinking about the relationship between "spin" and "feedback mechanisms." Over the weekend, in a discussion with a friend, he mentioned Alfred Whiteheads "subjective aim." I wondered if anyone had talked about some of these issues, so googled the following keywords/phrases:
whitehead "subjective aim" feedback safety
And one of the entries was this beauty:
It covers summaries of many interesting and relevant perspectives. It is not nearly complete, nor even completely accurate, I think, but is an excellent resource for tying together a vast amount of summary information from a wide number of sources. I'd recommend searching through it for Ken Wilber, Clare Graves, and Alfred Whitehead, if nothing else.